You can log into your Shop Your Way Mastercard® account to view your account and pay your bill by visiting the below link:
Shop Your Way Mastercard/ CitiBank login
You can also contact Citibank by phone at the below phone numbers:
24/7 availability
Technical Assistance
TTY for the Hearing Impaired
Outside the U.S., Canada and Puerto Rico, Call Collect
If you'd like to mail your payment please use the mailing addresses below:
Shop Your Way Credit Card Payments
P.O. Box 78024
Phoenix, AZ 85062-8024
PO Box 70610
Philadelphia, PA 19176-0610
Shop Your Way Credit Card
Overnight Delivery/Express Payments
Attn: Consumer Payment Dept.
6716 Grade Lane
Building 9, Suite 910
Louisville, KY 40213